As per the Skift Research’s May Travel Tracker survey, more Americans have travelled in May than in February 2020, before the pandemic hit the country. This is an exciting milestone for the U.S. travel industry.

The above report highlights some of the key trends of May travel that will likely continue till the summer vacation season. Among them, domestic travel will continue to be the prominent one. Only 2 % of International travel has been accounted in May. As the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has eased travel recommendations for more than 110 countries and territories, there could be a boost in international travel this summer. However, there is a surge infection rates in many Asian countries, and even in the U.K. in the last couple of weeks. Lifting travel restrictions alone might not be enough for a significant outbound travel comeback.
Source: Skift
Author: Manoj .S
Manoj works as Team Lead in Teknokraaft and looks into the Flights vertical primarily.